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How People Travel for Free in 2021

In Travel For Free, Traveling Atlas by Brandon CopelandLeave a Comment

Have you ever been scrolling on Instagram, and you see that one friend who is traveling AGAIN in the Bahamas and you’re stuck sitting at work, saving up for your next vacation? We’ve all been there, and there are really three things that are going on here: either that friend is loaded with cash, in debt due to their lavish …

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How to Save Money on Airbnb

In Travel For Free, Traveling Atlas by Brandon CopelandLeave a Comment

Ten years ago, if you were traveling to a new country and needed to find accommodation, you would have to find a hotel, hostel, bed and breakfast, or a home stay. Hotels and hostels were the most accessible options and definitely where the majority of travelers would end up. While that’s still the case, recently there has been a shift …

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5 Ways To Start Mileage Hacking Today

In Travel For Free, Traveling Atlas by Brandon CopelandLeave a Comment

Let’s Start Earning Some Almost Free Flights Most of us at some point or another have heard someone boasting about flying for free on their last trip using their “miles” or “points”. Wanting to appear in the know, you offer a small congratulation and skirt the topic as much as possible. If you do inquire, the conversation immediately diverges into …

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How to Travel Internationally for the First Time

In Travel For Free, Traveling Atlas by Brandon CopelandLeave a Comment

This post contains affiliate links for products that I personally use and recommend. If you happen to purchase them, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.How to Travel Internationally: Where to Begin?Everyone who has done something, even very successfully, had to start from the beginning. No one is born an expert, and everyone’s path to …